Polymorphism or In many Forms

Polymorphism means many forms. In computer terms we relate polymorphism as one of the founding stones of OOP and many Programming Languages. When an Object has the ability to take more than one form it is referred to as Polymorphic. When a parent class reference is used to point to an object of it's child it... Continue Reading →

Reloading Properties with Apache Commons Configuration

Reloading properties without restarting the server or halting the JVM is a welcome addition to your application when the properties are changed frequently. Apache Commons Configuration provides a neat way to accomplish this task with very little addition to your code pile. Here have a look ...

Conditional Validation through Annotations

Validation through Annotations has become very popular among the web developers. The ease of use and code readability makes it even more promising to use and replicate. Many libraries provide us with easy to use annotations for easy validation. Though most of the times they fulfill all the requirements, there are some cases where a... Continue Reading →

Producer Consumer & Observer Design Pattern

The Producer Consumer Problem often stated in the examples of Multi Threading is by far the most intriguing for a beginner stepping into the threading and concurrent environment. How two threads work in a synchronized manner to achieve a common or somewhat to the same path GOAL is not just fascinating but also illustrative enough... Continue Reading →

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